Saturday, September 10, 2011

knitting needle roll

I recently saw a post from Jillian at Always stitching who had made a roll for her knitting needles.  While my collection is a bit eclectic and much of it is made up from various hand me downs; mostly from my grandmother, I thjought it was a great idea.  The idea sat in the back of my head until earlier in the week when I found some material at work for 50%off that I thought would be perfect. I couldn't let the idea go so hunted around for somehting for the outside and then last night, with nothing better to do, off I went.  So here it is; it isn't as gorgous as Jillians, who used the most lovely material, but it will do.

I added a flap to mine to try and hold the needles in, and put some pockets on either side for my stitch holders, needle guage, double pointed needles etc.  I am really happy with it, especially for something I was making up as I went along.  it will certainly do the job.
On the subject of knitting needles, i must point out the bamboo ones over towards the right; these are new; I bought them on Monday  (no, not much of my pay came home that day :D ). I used them on my days off during the week to make a scarf (which I promise to show you in a day or two) and they are wonderful. I really liked using them and I know why they are so popular.  My goal is to replace many of these needles over the coming weeks, with bamboo ones.  They really are lovely.

So a big thankyou to Jillian for her inspiration, and the idea.  I love that we have the internet where we can all share ideas and inspirations; I do thank all of the talented people out there in cyberworld who are generous enough to share things with everyone else.


  1. Nice work, I love the fabric.=)

    Thanks for the comment on my language blog. I couldn't help but wonder though when you said that your boy had to choose between the subjects he liked and those he needed for university whether he was actually planning to study what he was really interested in/liked *at* university??? So many do what they think they should without doing what they truly enjoy, don't you think?=( (You can tell I've just read a Sir Ken Robinson book.......)

    All the best from Pommy-Limey-Land!!!=)

  2. Karyn, that is really pretty. How lovely that you are finding so many inspiring things through your work. The needle roll is great: I like the idea of the flap and extra pockets.

  3. Karyn, as an addictive knitter myself,I'm sure this roll will be so useful to you. I too like wooden needles, especially The Brittany American birch ones, which I am now going to collect a set. They are soooooo smooth. Anne

  4. Thank you for making this and posting about it Karyn. I've always thought they are such a lovely idea. I love Jillian's too, but it's very hard to go past your rose printed fabric!! I only have mixed needles too, but I think they could benefit by having a nice little home like this, instead of the old cylinders they currently occupy. Lovely idea.
