These are all out of this book:
that I showed you last week, or possibly the week before. i really want to have a go at the bootees shown here on the cover but haven't got any red 4ply wool in a nice dark shade, so i will wait until i do before having a go. So these are what I have done:
Arent they so cute? There is an error in the pattern for the white ones. I noticed, to my very great frustration, that the pattern wouldn't work past row two and after emailing the author, who is very lovely, i recieved a wonderful reply with the error in it. A simple one but necessary to get it right. She has since emailed me with another error in it; what a shame as this book is just so sweet and lovely; it is a shame that somewhere in the printing process errors have been made. Nonetheless, I will be pushing on and making more out of this book. I have some exciting news about Val's next book but you will have to wait for that... (more to come later)
So what next? Well i still have too many things on the go; I did not fulfill the promise that i made to myself at the start of the year to get some finished. And with Christmas coming up I have things to do; some presents for friends, I am also making two quilts for the shop; more on those later (one of them is a secret for someone I know, so shhhhh!. I have achieved many things though this year so am pleased about that. I tried to take a photo of the Dr Seuss quilt yesterday but it was windy and the camera batteries were flat (it was not to be) so hopefully over the weekend I can try again. the dark marks have not come out properly but are fading a little each time I wash it. I am not sure that they will ever go away but all the remedies i tried failed, so I am stuck with it as it is. They aren't as bad so that is all good.