Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Holiday Happenings

Well, after almost two and a half weeks the kids go back to school tomorrow.  We have had a good holiday; doing bits here and there. 
I have managed to get my second little embroidered square done. I am very happy with the way these are going; they are pretty and are nice and quick.  This one will get a couple of little pearl beads on it but I have decided to wait until they all are done and do the beads all at the same time.
Thanks for all the suggestions of what to make with these, I have some ideas buzzing around in my head, we will have to see what will become of them in the end.

Last week I took the boys to the Melbourne Museum. Unfortunately, that was the day my ears decided to have a major relapse so I was very dizzy and had awful blurred vision. So we were there for a couple of hours, I would have liked to have stayed longer. ( The good thing about my ears is that they are slowly getting better and the last few days have only seen me dizzy in the evenings after being busy through the day.)
What we did manage to see at the Museum were some great examples of some Year 12 students' work. Incredible what these kids are capable of. No photos though; it is not allowed in that section.  I assume it is to stop the next group of students from copying. 
We also saw some very big tapestries; here are two of them; I have no idea how long they would have taken to be made.

And we had a wander around through the section with the dinosaur bones.  Here is a little guy for you, only small but i would not have liked to have bumped into him.

We had a really nice day.  We must do it again. And I found out yesterday that there is a free tourist bus that operates around the city, taking you to different places and attractions around the city, and it is FREE!  What a great idea. A friend took it with her three kids, and had a great time so that might be something to investigate for the next holidays.
My eldest son through the holidays has been building a little footbridge to go out in the front garden. Since having our driveway concreted at the end of the year we have had drainage problems every time we have heavy rain so DH and son no 1 have been building some little waterways for the runoff through one of our gardens.  This bridge is to go across this little runoff, where it crosses our path (well, the path that was dug out yeeeears ago and then left as it was, unfinished).  It should look very good, and he seems pleased with it.  Next job will be to finish the path I suppose.

Besides all that i have nearly finished the blue check table cloth.  Sadly, I realised yesterday that one of my leaves needs unpicking as it is in the wrong spot. I knew something was wrong with it but it waited until it was done before revealing the problem!  I was tempted to leave it as it but I dont want to look at it year after year and have it annoy me.  So i will unpick it now while I am on a roll. I was hoping to have it done by today; for no real reason, i just thought the start of the school term would be a good deadline.  It will wait. Wont take too long now.

The other thing I am waiting for is two craft books I ordered online.  But with Friday, Monday and today all public holidays, it has taken longer than usual.  I will have to exercise some patience (not my strongest virtue LOL!!!) and continue to wait.

I hope everyone has had a good holiday.  I will enjoy the peace and quiet tomorrow when the kids are back at school and DH is back at work.


  1. What an interesting post Karyn, full of all your news!! The little stitchery is gorgeous and I can see that coming together well in the end. Sorry that one leaf is giving you grief. What a good idea the foot bridge is, and by the look of it, a very handsome foot bridge indeed!! Hope the boys are ready for school tomorrow, and I do hope all your ailments have gone now. Lovely days up here at the moment.

  2. Your little stitchery is beautiful Karyn. What fabric is it worked on? I like the way the stitching appears to sink into the fabric.

    Loved reading all your other news. You could send your young man up our way, I would love a little bridge over our little creek ;)


  3. Karyn, what a newsy post. I love the little stitched square and the beads will look lovely.
    The bridge looks like a work of art in itself. How clever you and your family are.
    Hope all is well with school going back etc.
