Thursday, April 28, 2011

Strawberry bags

I am not sure if anyone out there has seen these; they seem to be all the rage at the moment.  While I was surfing the 'web the other day I found someone who was good enough to put a pattern up for them. Lorraine from ikatbag, I thank you for your generosity in sharing such things.
  As i had pretty much everything I needed (except the cord and the cord stopper) I decided to have a go at one.  So yesterday morning was spent making two of these (I can only show you one as I had to leave the second one almost finished to go and attend to other things.
Lorraine has lined hers as she doesn't like exposed seams. I agree with her on that but wasn't sure my material was light enough to scrunch up so small with a lining so it is just one layer.
I am really really pleased with the way it turned out. It was easy, looks pretty and hopefully will save the planet; unlike the green bags we were all convinced to buy and then we were told they dont (EVER) break down.  Not so environmentally friendly after all.
OK, off the soapbox and to some photos.

This was Lorraine's little strawberry bag; cute huh?
Mine looks like this opened out:
And this all folded in:
As well as leaving out the lining, I added a clip; saves you having to carry it; it can be clipped to the handle of your handbag.
I do like the cord stopper that she used better than mine; it is more compact and neater.  But I had to make do with what i could find when i dashed out yesterday morning to get one.
This is what mine looks like inside; I did French seams to make it neater; I do like doing French seams; they are like piping; I will use them on anything and everything.  To finish off the top edge I just made a facing. Easy.
I am not sure if I will keep these or give them as gifts; they are so cute they would make perfect gifts; but I think I like them too much to give away!  I think I will be making more of them in the future!

Before I go, a quick update on the status of the bridge. Bridge is done and is now in the garden where it belongs. It looks really good and will save us from having to walk through what looks like being a permanent wet spot in winter.  Good job Sean. (Hubby too!!)


  1. Hi Karyn, aren't those little fold-away bags a great idea!! I'm going to check out those instructions too, as I'm sure there would be enough stuff here to make an assortment. Thanks for bringing such a great idea to our attention. What a great little bridge you've had built for you. Your men are so clever with timber, good for you. At least it turns a problem into something a little more appealing.

  2. Thanks Karyn for the bag link - they look really good & I'll go and check it out. Loved your work in your last post too....

  3. Love the bag Karyn. It looks just perfect for dashing down to the shop for a few things. The little bridge came together well too! Laurel

  4. Thanks for the link and your method, Karyn. It IS generous of Lorraine to post the instructions - I nearly went to a class at my local Janome shop to learn how to make something similar, but chickened out.

    I like yours a lot - and will try it using your single layer technique.

  5. Thanks everyone. I am so grateful to everyone who puts patterns etc up on the internet for us to use and share.
    These bags were oh so easy, I will be making more when I get some more of the cord keepers. This was such a good pattern and easy to follow.
    Jillian, I used a polycotton and two layers would not have fitted in the strawberry bottom.
    I would love to see photos if anyone did make some....
